Walking has great health benefits so it makes sense to consider it a routine daily activity. Health experts have been encouraging people to take walking seriously to keep fit. It is one of the simplest and most effective exercises to stay healthy and in good shape. You do not need any form of gym equipment, or to visit the gym when you consider walking as an exercise. And you can walk in your leisure time or while going to work to stay fit and healthy. Check out other blogs such as, “Why You Shouldn’t Drink Bottled Water And What Water You Should Drink“.
Unfortunately, most of us have become too busy to find time to exercise. We have become so comfortable with automated lifestyles that we have taken some simple and beneficial activities like walking for granted. Most times, cars will take us anywhere we want to go, we use lifts to avoid climbing the stairs, and even buy automated strollers, which are common nowadays.
Let’s take a look at what we stand benefits of walking a certain distance each day:
Prolonged Quality Life
One of the benefits of exercise is that it prolongs the quality of life. Walking as an exercise improves blood circulation, strengthens bone mass, and other benefits to the body. Furthermore, studies have shown that people that exercise regularly within the ages of fifty and sixty years prolong their life span by eight years. Also, exercise is a significant life boosting technique for people with underlying health issues. Thus, rather than taking the car regularly or using the lift, walk down to the supermarket, take those stairs and boost your body system for a prolonged quality of life. If you want to live a quality life in the future, start walking now to boost your immune system.
Walking Improves Mood
The body releases endorphins, which is a natural painkiller hormone. The release of these endorphins improves moods and makes you feel good. Please look at people who exercise regularly, and you will agree that they seem happier and free-spirited. Now think about the last time you did some serious workout, your body does feel lighter, and you were in a better mood. Taking your time to do one of the simplest activities, walking, will help you improve your mood over time as you maintain good health and attitude towards life.
Walking Help with Weight Loss
Those who do not have the time or energy for strenuous workouts to lose weight can consider walking to burn off calories. Walking will be the best option to burn off calories daily, for you can do it while going to work, or getting the groceries. A simple 30 minutes walk can burn up to 200 calories; now sum up that when you walk regularly. Over time, you would shed significant weight with discipline and focus. It is a simple activity that you can do each day, appealing to people from all walks of life. However, it would be best to keep in mind that this is a long term process and will require overwhelming dedication.
Walking Improve Sleep
Are you suffering from insomnia? Then it would be best if you considered taking a walk in the morning for at least one hour. Studies on women aged 50 to 57 years suffering from insomnia showed improved sleep quality after a one-hour walk each morning. This can apply to other groups of people as well, as walking Improves moods and tends to relax the muscles. There is also a fast flow of blood circulation which helps carry nutrients and the right signals.
Improves Breathing and Immune System
Exercise improves the rate of breathing, thus the flow of oxygen in the blood. This process increases metabolism, eliminates waste from the body and improves the immune system. As a result, you will notice increased intake of breath, fast heartbeat rate, and profuse sweating, which removes waste from the body. To achieve this with walking, you can start with 30 minutes of walk and increase the walk duration as your stamina increases. You will be surprised that you will be walking for more than an hour within the next six months.
Walking Slows Down Mental Decline
There is an increase in the possibility of mental decline with ageing. However, studies have shown that exercise like walking does improve brain activities to old age. In California, a study was carried out on 6000 women aged 65 years and more. Those who do more walking have a lower rate of memory decline associated with ageing. So now, walking is a sure way of improving the quality of your life at old age.
Walking to Help In Managing Underlying Conditions
People that suffer from underlying conditions such as strokes, high blood pressure, cancer, heart diseases, diabetes and other diseases can adopt walking to increase strength. Some of them suffering from these underlying illnesses may not handle more challenging exercises, so walking should be adopted to help improve their quality of life and increase strength. As we have read above, there are many health benefits of walking. It helps improve the immune system, improves the circulation of blood and other benefits which these sets of people will need. Since it does not require much, walking is the best-recommended exercise to help improve their conditions.
Improves Muscle Endurance
If your work requires endurance, such as athletes and other sportspersons, you should adopt walking to help build endurance. Walking helps toughen the muscles and joints, which is necessary for our everyday life to stay healthy. Moreover, if you get tired at work often or in your daily activities, then adopt walking to help you build stamina and endurance.
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- Feel Better In 5: Your Daily Plan to Feel Great
- The 4 Pillar Plan: How to Relax, Eat, Move and Sleep Your Way to a Longer, Healthier Life
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- Not a Diet Book: Take Control. Gain Confidence. Change Your Life
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