Water is not only an essential that everyone needs to include in their daily diet. It’s also a vital part of the human system. Study shows that-two thirds of the whole human body is made up of water which means that almost every activity such as cellular reactions and transportation and functionality of all systems in the body requires water to function. For this reason, water has been one of the major determinants of human health.
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If you want to be healthy, you are expected to drink enough water every day. However, as good as it is to remind you of the need to take adequate water, it’s not worth it if we don’t mention the importance of the kind of water you take. Water can be beneficial like any other else. But if you consume the wrong water, you might end up getting sick instead of having sound health. The truth is that regular water from your tap or bottle has been proven to be unsafe for human health due to any reason. But this is the water that we know so what kind of water do we drink if we don’t take from taps and bottles? If this is the question that pops up in your mind, then you’re in the right place. The answer to your question is alkaline ionized water. You may want to know what’s in it for you when you take this ionized alkaline water. Below are health and wellness reasons that you can derive from using this powerful water not only for consumption but also for domestic use.
Body Ph Balance
One of the major ways of improving your health is to balance the pH level in your body. This is why many experts have recommended the consumption of alkaline water. The majority of foods and drinks we consume today are acidic foods that lower the pH level in your body. And as we have said earlier, your body pH needs to be balanced. For this reason, your body needs to do extra work to maintain the normal pH level. Moreover, the rise of several diseases in humans are found to be associated with acidosis, a condition where the body pH is highly acidic. This is why taking alkaline water is important to maintain your body pH balance and avoid the risk of several health challenges as compared to normal tap and bottled water.
Detoxification is one of the vital reasons for drinking alkaline water. The human body contains a lot of toxins that need to be flushed out. Failure to detoxify the body of these toxins will result in many health problems. However, with alkaline water, you’ll be able to free your body from the waste product referred to as toxins and enjoy healthy living.
The accumulation of free radicals in the body as a result of oxidation can be highly detrimental to the health of the person involved. Due to the presence of negative charges which allows the donation of electrons in alkaline water, it became an effective way to combat free radicals as they’re positively charged radicals and turn them to oxygen. This allows your body to produce energy and oxidize tissues. With the combination of these two extraordinary properties of antioxidation and ionization, alkaline ionized water helps to improve your kidney functioning and save you from cancer and other severe illnesses.
Improved Hydration
It’s one thing to take water; it’s another to be hydrated. Studies have proven that alkaline water hydrates the body better than regular tap and bottled water. The majority of people today suffer from chronic dehydration. If only they knew that the solution to their problem was to start taking ionized water, they’d have found their way into hydration and, eventually, improved health conditions. The bonus advantage of the hydration power of ionized water is that adequate water means adequate cellular functioning in every part of the body which helps to not only improve physical health and slow down ageing but also enhances your mental health and mood.
Immune Improvement
Regular consumption of alkaline water plays a significant role in the improvement of your immune system. How? When you take alkaline ionized water, it cleanses your body of toxins and neutralizes free radicals and improves your hydration which means that regular body metabolism and activities necessary for optimum health will be maintained. This gives your immune system less work to do and, as a result, improves its efficiency.
In conclusion, the kind of water you consume and use in your daily activities determines the extent of your mental and physical health. Therefore, it’s important that you select and choose the right water that will keep your body healthy in place of one that puts your health at risk. Ionized water, although not known by many, can enhance your life and return your health to the original sound position.
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Stay hydrated! We drink ionised water.
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