When we talk about a universally accepted spice, ginger will most likely be spoken of. Gotten from the Zingiberaceae family flowering plant. This native Asian herb has been used in various cuisines worldwide. Although the root and stems are excellent spices, the herb itself is also packed with several medicinal properties. In ancient times, ginger was used to cure various health problems. In recent times modern medicine has given credit to the medical properties found in it.
Let’s look at some of the really popular medical capacities of ginger.
Ginger as a medical solution
Immune system
To get a better immunity, it is believed that the antioxidants in ginger can help with that and can also minimize stress, amongst others, it may help relieve nasal congestion and other respiratory issues by inhaling the steam from ginger tea. Ginger also fights several different types of cancer cells, including pancreatic cancer, and this has been shown in laboratory research.
For pregnant women, those recovering from surgery, and those who are undergoing chemotherapy, morning sickness will regularly happen. Ginger can be a great natural remedy for nausea in this set of people. This is especially useful since they cannot take regular medicines. For those recovering from surgery, consult your doctor to know when it is safe to take ginger. This is because ginger can prevent clotting.
Several studies have indicated that ginger can help mitigate pain from osteoarthritis of the knee. Headaches, menstrual cramps, and other forms of pain may also be eased through the intake of ginger tea. For centuries, the cure used for inflammation has been the use of ginger, but over the years, this treatment has been scientifically proven.
Motion sickness
If you are a person who suffers from motion sickness, then ginger could be a great solution. Although research is still slightly inconclusive, many believe that ginger will help. So if you get dizzy, feel like vomiting, or have cold sweats ginger might be worth trying.
Weight and sugar
A research was conducted in 2012 by Columbia University involving ten overweight adult men. After consuming ginger tea for a while, they found that these men felt less hungry. Another research concluded that ginger might have a strong effect on managing obesity and maybe even prevent obesity and its related complications. Particularly when it comes to blood sugar, a study showed that ginger drastically affects the insulin, A1C, and triglycerides levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
General heart health
There have been several research studies that have attributed ginger to be a preventive measure for heart-related diseases. It has been attributed to reliving heartburns, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, mitigating heart attacks and clotting, and helping with blood circulation.
Now that we know the various benefits you can get from consuming ginger, what is the best way to make ginger tea? There is no best way, and you can use various methods to make ginger tea, but my recommendation would be these two ways
First, the powdered form:
You can either take a bunch of ginger roots and have them ground or go for a pre-ground product. Most stores sell the powdered form of ginger. Be sure to go through the ingredient list to ensure that it is plain ginger ground up. To drink, take a cup of boiled water and mix the powder in.
Second the boiling form:
This form is a bit more natural but slightly more stressful.
- Take six to 10 ginger roots.
- Wash them and pile out the skin.
- Take two to four cups of water and pour into a pot.
- Slice up the ginger roots into very thin pieces
- Place the pot to boil
- Add in the ginger roots
- Leave to cook on high heat for 10-20 minutes
- You might need to add a cup more to the pot to get the desired result.
- Cooked ginger tea will have a brownish-gold look. A lighter color shows that the strain is lesser and a darker color will show that the strain is more. Whatever you choose, you can take it out once it turns brownish-gold.
- Serve the tea hot.
- You can add on lime, lemon, or honey if you choose.
Side effects
There are no major side effects to drinking ginger tea regularly. However, reports have been recorded that an excess intake of over 5 cups a day can result in side effects like dizziness, nausea, and gas, and bloating. But as long as you do not go beyond 5 cups, then you should be fine.
There are several benefits to taking ginger tea in the medical world. But outside of medicine, ginger tea is a natural soothing drink that should be encouraged in your various healthy meal plans. Add it to your morning or evening plan, and you are sure to experience a lot of healthy benefits. Check out previous blogs such as “7 Amazing Tips How To Start A Profitable Online Health And Wellness Business“.
Recommended books for further reading:
- The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet Recipe Book: Simple delicious meals for fast, healthy weight loss
- The Fast 800: How to combine rapid weight loss and intermittent fasting for long-term health
- The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober: Discovering a happy, healthy, wealthy alcohol-free life
- Eat to Beat Disease: The Body’s Five Defence Systems and the Foods that Could Save Your Life
- The Fitness Mindset: Eat for energy, Train for tension, Manage your mindset, Reap the results